Upcoming Changes in Territory

Alas….it has happened!

As I had suspected for some time now, my official travel territory has changed for Elon University!  Effective immediately, I will no longer be the admissions counselor for the state of Massachusetts (my home state!) as it has grown quite significantly in the past year.  I will still retain Rhode Island and will pick up a few other states (such as Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Michigan) in addition to my international territory.    For those readers who go to school in the state of Massachusetts, your counselor is now Janell Martin, a 2007 graduate of Elon University.  To learn a little bit more about Elon, check out Janell’s page on the Admissions website!

I will definitely miss traveling and reading Massachusetts applications but it now frees me up a bit to work on new projects!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year ETA readers!

I hope this blog post finds each and every one of you doing well and enjoying this holiday season! Whether you celeberated Eid al-Adha (the Muslim Festival of Sacrifice) earlier in December or Christmas or Hanukkah in the latter part of December or are currently celebrating the African-American holiday of Kwanzaa, I hope the conclusion of 2008 has brought fun memories with friends and family. Even if you do not celebrate any of these holidays, I am sure that everyone is “celebrating” a break from school work!

Like many of you, I also had time off and traveled back to my home state of Massachusetts. As you can see from the photo above, when I arrived home, there was a good amount of snow on the ground! (Obviously this photo was NOT taken in North Carolina!) And yes – I did have to shovel snow a little bit while I was home.

I am now back in Elon, North Carolina and I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am for 2009! But most importantly, I want to wish each of you a wonderful new calendar year and continue to look for more ETA posts from me in the new year!

On a final note, to wrap up the 2008 calendar year, feel free to visit Elon’s Year in Pictures slideshow. This was put together by the University Relations department and has some wonderful photos of Elon life – from academics to engaged learning opportunities to athletics to some just plain fun! You can get a sense of what being as student is all about – ENJOY!